"Skipping Church: Notes from an Accidental Minister’s Wife" is available from Amazon (free shipping for members), the publisher Shanti Arts, other online bookstores, and upon request at your local bookstore.
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Suzanne Kelsey was a 19-year-old university student when she met Sally, a white-haired, bandana-wearing woman in her sixties who was pursuing an MFA in painting. Sally was so exuberant about art-making that Kelsey decided she would become an artist too—but not until later in life, when she came closer to retirement. After all, there was a living to make. Forty years later, Kelsey finally stepped on an intentional art learning curve. She shares her art and what she’s learning on her blog, thesallyproject.com.

For questions about book readings, speaking engagements, or artwork, just get in touch.