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Pop-Up Art Shop

I find that watercolor is a tricky but wonderful medium for painting, and I love experimenting with color combinations, textures, and styles. As a transplant from the Midwest, I find great inspiration for paintings in Northern CA. 

I try to paint or draw almost every day in sketchbooks, and sometimes the sketches lead to stand-alone paintings. Drawing, painting, and writing serve as meditative practices that give me joy. When I can produce a piece of art or writing that touches someone else in a positive way, it thrills me.  

My artistic influences have included regional artists Emily Wiel and Margaret Fago as well as Geoff Allen from San Diego; Shari Blaukopf, Marc Taro Holmes, and Marney Ward from Canada; Sandra Strohschein from Michigan; and Andy Evansen from Minnesota.

If you are interested in purchasing a painting that you find here, please contact me at  

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Thank you for your support of my work as a developing watercolor artist!

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